Network: Handy Backup effectively utilizes a network, allowing such things as Lenovo cloud backup, FTP connections and dumping remote database.Hardware requirements: Handy Backup requires no special hardware except 256 Mb of RAM and some free space to install a copy on the hard drive.We recommend you routinely run System Update on a monthly basis and install the critical, recommended, and optional updates to keep your computer software up to date. Handy Backup works as Lenovo backup software solution on any modern PC unit utilizing Windows (including Windows 10, 8.1/8, 7 and Vista, as well as Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012/2012R/2008R2), and supports some Linux distributives based on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04. Using the Lenovo System Update Tool The Lenovo System Update tool installs unique updates to your ThinkPad computer that are not included in the Microsoft updates. This option will backup Android phone every time you will insert it to a PC! Please take in account also that this mode is available only in Advanced task wizard mode. None of these steps is somehow specific for Lenovo backup actions.Īn advice: When you want to automate Lenovo backup Android phones, select an option “Launch by USB insertion” on the Step 6.
Continue creating your backup task from step by step, until reaching the final Task Wizard screen, as described in the User Manual.Go to the Step 3 and select an appropriate storage for Lenovo backup and recovery operations with a selected dataset. Select data you want to back up by marking the names of data sources by marking these data with checkboxes.Note: No plug-in operation in Handy Backup is somehow specific for Lenovo backup! Configure access to Lenovo backup data if you need. Click on the selected plug-in to add it to a backup data list.
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You can learn how to use the plug-ins from the User Manual.
For any other data, select an appropriate plug-in from the full list of available data sources on the left panel.